2018 Multi-Pack Exclusives

The following vehicles could only be found in Multi-Packs (3, 9, 10, and 20 Packs) in the year 2018.

Some multi-pack exclusive vehicles use existing tampo designs but released with different colors and wheels, these vehicles are mixed into the contents of the multi-pack.

Porsche 911 GT3 RS (2011)

Car information:
Brand Porsche
911 (997.2) GT3 RS
Model info:
Year of release 2018
Sub series Multipack Exclusive
Casting#. / Toy#. T9706 / –
Country Malaysia
Notes Base code(s): K47
Color Blue
Tampo Porsche logo, White stripe w/ ‘GT3 RS’ on sides.
Window Color Clear
Interior Color Red
Base Color / Type Black / Plastic
Wheel Type White PR5